AFAR from an "Outsiders" Perspective

Natalie Schory (left) and Izzy Freidline in Zorita, Spain

Natalie Schory (left) and Izzy Freidline in Zorita, Spain

The AFAR program that Davidson Day offers is truly extraordinary and incomparable to any experience I have ever participated in. Not only is the opportunity to excavate ancient archeological sites incredible, but the memories I’ve made throughout my time in the program have shaped many aspects of my life and have contributed to who I am as a person.

Being an “outsider” student from Kentucky, I originally joined the program with no expectations to avoid any form of disappointment. It wasn’t until I attended the 2018 dig in Belize that I began to comprehend what AFAR was all about. I was excited and ready for more. Using the drive and passion I had gained from my previous trip, I knew I was willing to do whatever it took to be able to attend another archeological expedition with a program I had fallen in love with.

Zorita De Los Canes

Zorita De Los Canes

 With much thought and consideration, I decided to attend Spain. I knew that this trip would offer new experiences than my previous one. I expected to arrive in a country I had never visited before and find myself in the situation of knowing absolutely no one. Although I was definitely expanding my comfort zone, I went into this past week determined to enjoy every second of it and that’s exactly what I’ve done. It took no more than a few days to figure out that I was exactly where I needed to be.

 I realized that my stay in Spain would exceed any preconceived notion. Everyone I have come in contact with has been extremely welcoming and accepting. I have found joy in knowing that even though I may not be similar to the other students as far as where I live or attend school, we can all take part in this amazing adventure together as individuals.

 Not only is the opportunity to excavate ancient archeological sites incredible, but the memories I’ve made throughout my time in the program have shaped many aspects of my life and have contributed to who I am as a person.

 Our excavation at Zorita Castle could not be better either. Our teams are constantly uncovering new artifacts and/ or architecture. Overall, I am looking forward to what the rest of Spain has to offer and am grateful that it is better than anything I could have ever imagined.


SpainNatalie Schory